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Breathe in the light at the end

Writer's picture: Method CampusMethod Campus

Dear Strasberg Actors,

It has been a tough year, a crazy, long, unexpected, surprising year. Finally, this is the blogpost we were all waiting for. The UK has vaccinated over half of the adult population, Europe is a bit behind, but we have faith that it’ll be well on its way soon. There is definitely light at the end of the tunnel and it very much seems like it is in sight.

As lockdown is easing up though, we are also aware that it will still take time before getting back to normal, this is why the Strasberg Team has a couple of surprises ready for you, to keep you busy while we wait for things to be back in full swing.

We will be launching very soon a Zoom webinar during which Alexander will be explaining the basics of the Method, as well as coaching a couple of people, who will be performing a scene and a Character's Private Moment. Make sure you are subscribed to our newsletter (scroll to the bottom of this page to do that) and you're going to hear soon when you can sign up. It’s going to be a chance to get back to the basics of the Method, which is always a good thing, and also see how the experience in class is by watching these very specific exercises and scene coaching.

The second surprise is even more exciting because it will be basically like being in class in person again -- but while we wait for that to be possible: very shortly after the Zoom webinar, we’ll be launching the new Online Strasberg Training, after 6 months from the previous one! This will be a course of 8 weekly sessions, each one lasting three hours, focusing on the Character’s Intimacy Training and Scene Work, including Script Analysis and coaching. Every participant will choose a character and a play or a movie, which will be their companion over the 8 weeks of the workshop. This is a great opportunity to get back into training and to grow as an artist. Spaces available will be limited because, as you will know if you trained with us already, it’s our and Alexander’s priority to give each participant enough time to work. As our Strasberg Campus community is growing in more and more countries, we do encourage you to move swiftly and not miss out on this great opportunity.

Again, make sure you are subscribed to our emails, and you will see enrolment open very soon.

The industry is reopening in several countries, even though it isn’t yet time to get back on stage, sets have indeed adapted to the various Covid-19 precautions and auditions are coming in. Hopefully our regular Autumn Term will open enrolment in the summer, too!

Be ready to shine, cultivate your imagination and your emotional world, with love for the craft, and for yourself.

Until next time,

Always in the Art!

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